
Event information

  • Sun

    BBQ – Derek’s place

    4:00 pm to late

    Venue: Derek’s place (see email for details)

    No Charge event

    BYO wine

    Your committee arranges meat and salmon. We ask if you would provide a salad (for 8 people to share) if your home starts with an odd number, or a dessert (for 8 people to share) if your home starts with an even number, thank you.

    Anne asks you to bring any screw caps along that you have been collecting over the holiday period. 

See all past club events from February 1985.


Let’s Look Out for Each Other (still)

As always, please if you are feeling unwell, do not attend the evening’s presentation. Thanks, Your committee.

Member prize draw

Members’ prize draw is at each meeting, but you must be present to win. We also have a raffle draw to be won. Purchase your tickets at the door and be in to win.

Drinking and driving

Members will be aware of lowering drink/drive limits from December 2014. If unsure, read the Land Transport Amendment Act (no 2) 2014. We ask members to be conscious of these limits. For those driving, water and some food are provided or think about a designated driver, taxi, Uber, or dial-a-driver to get you home safely.

Wine bottle screw caps

Anne is collecting them to give to the Lions organised Kan Tabs for Kids. No food lids or beer tops, please. Save and bring them to the next monthly meeting.