Condolences, Good Value, Attachments, Alan Scott

The Presidents

Holy smoke, did I just see November 2016 at the top of this newsletter?  Seems you only have to blink and a month has gone by.  Where does the time go?  The only thing that seems to be dragging on is the American Presidential election.  The Lord forbid our club elections should ever be as lively as that election is proving to be.  Quite a bit happening right now with a number of items to address.


The Presidents
The Cellar Club Presidents at The Cellar Club’s 25th birthday dinner, The James Cook Hotel, Feb 2006. From left to right Derek Thomson, Ron Thompson, Alan Evans, Wayne Kennedy, Graeme Fountain, Francesca Menzies and John Browning.

It is with deep sadness that we wish to report the passing of one of our Life Members , Ron Thomson.

Ron’s participation in the club dates back to our early beginnings when he was the editor of our newsletters until he relinquished that role to take over as our second President in 1986.

Ron became a life member in 2009 and whilst he has not attended tastings since he moved to Waikanae, he and his late wife Barbara, continued to attend our dinners until more recently when health issues began to intercede.   Ron continued to provide occasional pieces on New Zealand wine history which ran in this newsletter a little time ago.  Our condolences go out to his many friends in the Cellar Club.

And before anyone points out the issue of spelling I am aware that the “p” has slipped.  It is Ron Thomson and Derek Thompson, I just couldn’t change it in the jpeg.

Good Value at the Wine Club

A committee member was interested to hear one of our new member’s comment recently about the ‘good value’ you get from our wine club, and we thoroughly agree.  Just look at the Hunters meeting, all those good wines for less than $15 per bottle.  You won’t get that in a Supermarket.


Allan Scott was involved in the first planting of vines in the Marlborough wine region in 1973.
Allan Scott was involved in the first planting of vines in the Marlborough wine region in 1973.

There are several attachments to this newsletter; firstly the payment advice for Nov 2016 which includes the December Dinner; and secondly the menu for Muse in December.  There is a third attachment which honours the achievement of one of the Clubs very early members.  Sharyn Evans was a member of this club way back in the formative years.  She has recently retired after 47 years as a violinist with the NZSO.  I attach an item from the Orchestra’s programme notes a couple of weeks back.  Just emphasises what a talented membership we have had and still have.

Allan Scott

Members may have read the weekend magazine from the Dompost, which featured  an article on Allan Scott.  It mentioned he’d be giving a talk about his new book ‘Marlborough Man’ at Unity Books at 12 pm on November 11.  Just in case anyone is interested.  The item was too long to include in the newsletter.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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Mid-year Dinner – Logan Brown

mid-year-dinner-logan-brown57a812c61dc4641 members and 7 guests attended the dinner at Logan Brown.

It was a good night out for the most part, but there were some issues. Wayne has emailed Steve Logan to give feedback on the issues which were mainly around time between courses and timing between different tables. Steve has replied to say that the main issue was our large booking plus other customers on the night meaning a fullish restaurant.

We accept that there were difficulties with numbers but felt that an establishment such as Logan Brown should have been able to cope, particularly as they knew the numbers up front.

The Allan Scott bubbles were very good value and the food was wonderful but some of the tables were cramped and there was at least a 60-minute wait between courses for some tables. It appears that the Maître D tried to suit everyone by interspersing our orders between orders from other customers. The staff serving at the tables were fine, and Steve assures us that our custom was valued. We may have to give them another chance to redeem themselves.

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November bubbles 2013

November bubbles 2013: Mac from Advintage with sidekick John Kemble

Date: Wednesday 13 November, 2013

Time: 8.00 pm start

Venue: Johnsonville Community Centre Hall, 30 Moorefield Rd, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037 – Directions.

Charge: Members $10 Guests $12

John (Mac) Macpherson from Advintage presented for the second year in a row. A change of format in that we are going away from the strictly bubbly theme of previous Novembers, however sticking to the festive theme. Mac was accompanied by John Kemble again which proved to be a lively night.

Look at the line-up. There was something for everyone here.

  • Veuve d’Argent Methode Bur NV
  • Champagne Lanvin Brut NV
  • Champagne Taittinger Brut NV
  • 2013 Lake Chalice Pinot Rose
  • 2012 Te Whare Ra Toru
  • 2012 Allan Scott ‘The Wallops’ Chardonnay
  • 2012 Chapoutier Cotes du Rhone
  • 2011 Two Gates Syrah