Honors board

The honors board acknowledges current and past presidents, their tenures and our life members.

PresidentLife memberMember (from)
Murray Jaspers2016 –
Anne Megget2011 – 20161995
Cecilia Parker2006 – 201120181991
John Browning2005 – 20062001
Wayne Kennedy2004 – 20051995 *
Francesca Menzies2001 – 200420141983
Derek Thompson1998 – 200020121991
Alan Evans1991 – 199820101987
Monty Arnott1989 – 19901983
Ron Thomson1986 – 198920091981
Graeme Fountain1981 – 198620091980

* Prior to this, was the auditor of the club’s books from 1989

The Presidents
The Cellar Club Presidents at The Cellar Club’s 25th birthday dinner, The James Cook Hotel, Feb 2006. From left to right Derek Thompson, Ron Thomson, Alan Evans, Wayne Kennedy, Graeme Fountain, Francesca Menzies and John Browning.