Video: Out of the bottle 1 – Wine flavour

This is the first video in a series about wine science.

From smoky to citrusy to peppery, the unique flavour profiles of wines are scrutinized and celebrated perhaps more than any other beverage’s. In the first episode of our wine science series, Dr. Gavin Sacks of Cornell University’s Viticulture and Enology Program details the chemical composition of wine and explains why you detect the faintest aromas of oak, flowers, or green pepper in your glass.

Produced by Luke Groskin | Wine and location provided by Corkbuzz | Music by Audio Network | Additional photos and footage provided by Finger Lakes Wine Program/James Monahan, Shutterstock, Patricia Lynch, Tom Mack, Christina Sookdhis, Bodegas Delea a Marca, and Gironde Tourism

Science Friday® is produced by the Science Friday Initiative, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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