Committee Musings, Nov’24

A big thanks

It is great to have everyone help with the tables and chairs at meetings and taking the same down at the end. Also, please remember to take your table’s spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen.

PLEASE NOTE: We can’t arrive to do the setting up activities any earlier than 7:30pm as we interrupt the cleaner(s) schedule, the cleaners are in the hall until 7:30pm.

Looking Ahead

  • December – Christmas Dinner, Le Marche –your committee has decided that this evening will have a larger than usual subsidy, plus corkage, with the usual glass of bubbles on arrival to start off the festivities. An order form for the meal, plus payment will be sent out separately.
  • January 2025 – Reminder: Currently, there is no function planned for January.
  • February 2025 – tbc

Committee Musings, Oct ’24

Are you missing out on great presentations?

The committee expressed a little angst at only 22 attending for Misty Cove.

We hope that people will support the committee’s work, especially with the Central Otago vineyard Peregrine for October.

Thanks for your support

It is great to have everyone help with the tables and chairs at meetings and taking the same down at the end. Also, please remember to take your table’s spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen.

PLEASE NOTE: We can’t arrive to do the setting up activities any earlier than 7:30 pm as we interrupt the cleaner(s) schedule, the cleaners are in the hall until 7:30 pm.

Committee Musings Sept ’24

Anne Megget & Wayne Kennedy with 27 bags of wine bottle screwcaps for Kidney Kids

Membership growth

Anne Megget & Wayne Kennedy with 27 bags of wine bottle screwcaps for Kidney Kids
Anne & Wayne, with 27 bags of screwcaps for Kidney Kids, one of the many things the club does.

We are still focusing on growing our member numbers. If you know someone who would like to come out once a month and taste some really great, different, and sometimes otherwise inaccessible wines, please pass on our flyer to them when you mention us.

View and download the flyer.

Thanks Again

It’s great to have everyone helping set up and take down the tables and chairs for our meeting. Thanks.

Also, please support the committee by returning spittoons, water jugs, and cracker plates to the kitchen.

Looking Ahead

  • October – Peregrine, Central Otago
  • November – Bubbles Evening, tbc
  • December – Christmas Dinner, tbc

Committee Musings Aug ’24


Membership is still at the top of mind for your committee members. Can all members please endeavour to seek out new members. Bring along fellow wine enthusiasts, neighbours or friends that want to join in our monthly evenings, emphasizing that this is a very good value proposition and a great exposure to wines you may never have known about, or tasted!

Please remember to promote that as a bonus for potential members, our meetings are held in close proximity to both the Johnsonville Train Line and the bus station.

The committee is formulating a short pamphlet for anyone who wants one to hand out to explain our Club a little bit.


Thanks again to everyone who helps with the tables and chairs at the start of our evenings and taking the same down after the meeting. Also taking the tables contents: spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen.

Looking ahead

September – Misty Cove, Blenheim with presenter Carlos Rojas Stiven
October – Peregrine, Gibbston Highway Queenstown
November – Bubbles Evening, tbc

Committee Musings July ’24


Membership is at the top of mind for your committee. We want to encourage all members to seek out new members and to help you do this, we are currently preparing a small handout for you to use when explaining who we are and what we do. This will not only highlight what a great value proposition we are, it will also mention our range of activities and promote our closeness to both the Johnsonville train line and the bus station.

Please remember to promote that as a bonus for potential members, our meetings are held in close proximity to both the Johnsonville Train Line and the bus station.

The committee is formulating a short pamphlet for anyone who wants one to hand out to explain our Club a little bit.

Thanks again

Thanks again to everyone who helps with the tables and chairs at the start of our evenings and taking the same down after the meeting. Also taking the tables contents, spittoons/water & jugs/cracker plates, back to the kitchen.

Looking Ahead

  • August – Wairaki, Hawkes Bay
  • September – Misty Cove, Blenheim
  • October – TBC
