Committee Musings – Sept ’23


The SGM Resolutions were tabled at the committee meeting and will now be included in an updated rules document forwarded to the Incorporated Societies for registration.

Thanks to Richard for his expert knowledge to facilitate these much-needed changes to the Club’s Constitution.

Supporting the committee

It was great to have everyone help with the tables and chairs at previous meetings and take them down at the end. Also, take the spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen. Could we please continue this new routine?

Note: We can’t arrive to do the setting up activities any earlier than 7:30 pm as we interrupt the cleaner(s) schedule, the cleaners are in the hall until 7:30 pm.

Looking Ahead

  • October – Maison Vauron, Auckland
  • November – Bubbles Evening, tbc
  • December – Christmas Dinner, tbc

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Committee Musings, Aug ’23


Reminder: At the August Monthly Meeting, for the first 10 minutes, we will hold an SGM to discuss and pass some small changes to the Club’s Constitution. Please ensure you are up to date with the contents of an earlier email sent on 21 July in relation to these changes.

Evening support

It was great to have everyone help with the tables and chairs at previous meetings and take the same down at the end. Also, take the spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen. Could we please continue this new routine?

PLEASE NOTE: We can’t arrive to do the setting up activities any earlier than 7:30 pm as we interrupt the cleaner(s) schedule; the cleaners are in the hall until 7:30 pm.

Looking Ahead

  • September – Clearview, Hawkes Bay
  • October – Maison Vauron, Auckland
  • November – Bubbles Evening, tbc

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Committee Musings, July 23

Subscription reminder

Please ensure your subscription of $25, due on 1st July, is paid soon. Remember, we don’t send out an invoice. Thanks.

Special General Meeting

At the August Monthly Meeting, for the first 10 minutes, we will hold an SGM to discuss and pass some small changes to the Club’s Constitution. These changes will be circulated shortly and are an update to the wording as it is at present.


We hope everyone appreciates the new heating in the hall.

Support appreciated

It was great to have everyone help with the tables and chairs at the start of last month’s meeting and take the same down after the meeting. Also, taking the table’s contents: spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen. Could we please continue this new routine?


Please note, we can’t arrive to do the setting up activities any earlier than 7:30 pm as we interrupt the cleaner(s) schedule, as they are often in the hall until 7:30 pm.

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From the Editor: May 2013


At the March meeting Anne raised the point that a long time member, although not recent, Victor Stagpoole had passed away. The sympathies of the Club go to Victor’s family.

It was also mentioned that one of the presenters from last month’s meeting, Lansdowne’s Derek Hagar Jnr, passed away on Easter weekend. Derek junior was only 48 years old, an untimely death. The Club passed on it’s heartfelt sympathy to Derek Senior and Margaret.


And of course another important meeting this month with the AGM. We are happy to get feedback from members about the way the club is being run, about future ideas for events, and of course, indications of any potential new committee members. One committee member at least will be standing down.

Come along, have your say, and enjoy a snack and some nice wines. The agenda is included on page one, and last year’s minutes are attached. Please print these and bring them with you. A few copies will be available on the night but we are trying to cut down on costs to committee members.

Special General Meeting

The minutes from the Special General meeting held at the start of the March meeting are being progressed and I will forward these under separate cover shortly.

Robin Semmens, Editor