Glancing Back: Bannock Brae Oct 2012

bannock-brae-logoA great night enjoyed by those who attended.

The decision to introduce both the Rosé and the Grüner Veltliner, even though they may have been suffering a little from ‘bottle shock’ was not a disaster. In fact it introduced an opportunity to discover the wines and discuss what was a recently bottled wine and how it traveled. This is the same way the most New Zealander’s drink their wine after purchasing from the supermarket.

In fact, it was one of the older wines that left us with a question. The 2002 Pinot Noir had plateaued if not slightly past it’s best. Despite this, members enjoyed a more relaxed presentation and some interesting wines.  This included, and was appreciated by members, the vertical tasting of the Pinot and Riesling. It is not often that members get the opportunity to taste wines from such an age range that show cases just how wines develop over time.

A great evening showcasing a less well known but multi-award winning producer.

A reminder of the wines presented:

  • Bannock Brae Barrel Selection Pinot Noir 2010
  • Bannock Brae Barrel Selection Pinot Noir 2002
  • Bannock Brae Goldfields Pinot Noir 2009
  • Bannock Brae Goldfields Dry Riesling 2011
  • Bannock Brae Goldfields Riesling 2002
  • Bannock Brae Marlene’s Grüner Veltliner 2012
  • Bannock Brae Cathy’s Rosé 2012


Next event: Advintage Nov 2012

Stuff News recently ran an article on Advintage (10 September 2012) in the Dompost outlining the John (Mac) Macpherson and the Advintage story. Read the story here…

Irrespective of the history, it doesn’t get much better than this. We have enjoyed some great November bubbly tastings in recent years and this presentation promises to top them all

Many of you know John Macpherson and Advintage. Few members have not purchased a bottle or two from this outlet.

The following is a hint of what we might taste. There could be a couple of changes but the general theme will follow this outline. The links are to the Advintage website and provide detail of the proposed wines.

  • A French Vin Mousseux that Advintage are importing
  • Prosecco Riondo
  • Quartz Reef Central Otago
  • Roederer Estate
  • Champagne Lanvin
  • Champagne Lombard – from the same house as Lanvin but up the food chain
  • Champagne Roederer NV
  • Champagne Roederer Rosé 2007

John Kemble of Kemblefield wines along with Mac will present a winemaker’s perspective in parallel to a distributor’s perspective.

A light supper will be provided so be in for this tasting, and I’m sure it’s one tasting you won’t want to miss it.