Courtney Tate: Dissertation Research Results

Thank you all members who participated in Courtney Tate’s research on ‘Region of Origin and its Importance to New Zealand Wine Consumers’.

Words from Courtney:

“I have completed my research and have attached a condensed version of my dissertation which is a more practitioner applicable document for you.

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

I hope the results are useful to you and thank you again you have been extremely helpful with my research”


In the News – Cheers for Champagne

champagne-dietRecent research from the University of Reading has found champagne has the same health benefits as found in red wine.

Champagne contains polyphenol antioxidants, which are believed to reduce the effects of cell damaging free radicals in the body. In particular, these antioxidants slow down the removal of nitric oxide from the blood, lowering blood pressure and therefore reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Lead researcher Dr Jeremy Spencer says, “Our research has shown that drinking around two glasses of champagne can have beneficial effects on the way blood vessels function, in a similar way to that observed with red wine. We always encourage a responsible approach to alcohol consumption, but the fact that drinking Champagne has the potential to reduce the risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and strokes, is very exciting news.”

(Shall we assume that that is two glasses a day, not just two glasses ever. Despite this research I will continue to take my medicine in the form of red wine. – Ed)


Also check out How to gift wrap a champagne bottle.