Discounts, dinner, payments & pourers


Great discounts on premium wines

Good grief, less than two months to Christmas, but a couple of great events to round off our 2015 calendar. The Festive wines tasting looks impressive and as mentioned above look for some great discounts on some premium wines. As an example, they will be offering a $45 discount on the Dumangin Vintage 2003.

1841 Bar & Restaurant

1841The December dinner at 1841 Bar & Restaurant should also be fun. It’s great that we can do BYO in a pub environment. We will be away from the general patrons and the menu looks just fine, so don’t be put off, we are going to enjoy ourselves, as we usually do.

Nov bubbles and Dec dinner

We’re getting ready for a busy season with Nov bubbles and Dec dinner.

To show your support, please complete the payment advice form and either pay online or bring the form and payment with you when you come to the November tasting.

This allows us to get a guide on numbers for the dinner. As mentioned on the form, please complete and bring it with you in November. If you can’t attend please send to Wayne as outlined.

20141112_204626Make it easier for pourers

NB, Last month it was suggested that it might be helpful at tastings if people could send their glasses to the centre end of the table to make it easier for pourers. We had some success with this last month and will persist. Please make every effort to make things easier for the pourers.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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Options, events, & pouring – From the Editor

Interesting options

The year speeds by, but there are still interesting options for Cellar Club members. With Man O’ War, November’s festive offering and the December dinner still to come, there is much to look forward to.

Future events

Members might note that we are being a little less forthcoming with details of future events. We have found this to be a testing year with a number of presenters dropping out after tastings have been arranged. With this in mind, we are waiting until a little closer to an event before finalising arrangements. Despite this, we have plenty of interesting events in prospect. We have quite a number of producers contacting us wanting to present, and we are well placed for future tastings.

Pouring at tastings

NB, The committee think it might be helpful at tastings if people could send their glasses to the centre end of the table to make it easier for pourers. We will give it a go at this month’s meeting and see how it works. On the subject of pouring, we always welcome assistance. If you are happy to pour at a tasting please let someone on the committee know.


Robin Semmens, Editor