Giesen’s Wines – June 2017

June is always a challenging month for arranging a wine tasting as the weather can be adverse and once we get home, often means that we can be reluctant to leave again. Last month’s tasting was like that with a really unpleasant Wellington day.

Still, 28 hearty souls made it to our tasting that night and were rewarded with an excellent presentation from Richard Macdonald. Richard’s knowledge of Giesen and their product was insightful as he led us through 3 whites, 3 reds and a Rose.

This Rose was delightful, even on a cold wintery night with good fruit and a soft lingering taste. Interestingly it was also the wine most ordered on the night. Other wines enjoyed, if the orders are anything to go by, were the 2014 Brothers Gewürztraminer and 2013 Brothers Pinot Noir. This latter wine also provided a reminder that Marlborough vineyards with a touch of age are now beginning to provide pinots that a real value for money as their quality begins to match their cousins from Martinborough and Central Otago.

Another wine to surprise on the night was the Organic Sauvignon Blanc that was used as our meet and greet wine. This had great fruit flavour without that aggressive grassy nose that many other SBs from this region often have, well to me anyway, and consequently, I very much enjoyed it as our starter for the evening.

The whites ended with the much celebrated 2014 Fuder Clayvin Chardonnay. Fuder, refers to the type of barrel used. It’s much larger than what we normally see in NZ and its purpose to evolve the texture of the wine without overpowering it with oak. It certainly did this for me and with its full body and slightly citrus notes, it was a wine that I had been really looking forward to tasting, given it had won Elite Gold at the 2016 Air NZ Wine Awards. The only disappointment was that I could not afford the $50 order form cost, despite its discounted value, as I decided to purchase the 2012 Eight Songs Shiraz instead.

Giesens are also the NZ agent for a small range of Peter Lehman reds. Richard ended our tasting with two of these, the 2014 Hills & Valley Shiraz and the 2012 Eight Songs Shiraz. The latter, if I’m not wrong, was probably the most expensive Shiraz the club has tasted, although last year’s 2013 Elderton Neil Ashmead Grand Tourer Shiraz did come close.

The 2012 Eight Songs was named after one of Peter Lehman’s favourite vocal ensemble musical works, loved for its soft harmonies. Apparently, this inspired Peter Lehman to emulate that artistry in a wine and it has resulted in a very soft stylish wine that is quite foreboding with its very black core, yet elegant with its lovely integration of mocha chocolate and dark plum characteristics.
A great tasting from Richard Macdonald and one that I think many would be sad that they missed.

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Elderton Wines – August 2016

condolences-dinner-elderton-wines577e19462ed7cWe were expecting Peter Lehmann but don’t you hate it when work gets in the way of a good tasting. Sadly our presenter for August has been summoned to attend an out of town company conference and so we have had to come up with a Plan B.

We are staying with an Australian theme, with the focus on the Barossa and Elderton Wines in particular. Whilst maybe not as high profile as Peter Lehmann, Elderton have some of the oldest wines in the Barossa and seeing what age can do to well-made Aussie reds is, I’m sure, going to provide us with some delightful surprises. Presenter for this evening will be Keith Tibble, a long-time friend of the club, and he will begin the tasting with a couple of Barossa whites to appease those club members who have a preference for those styles of wine. Here are some milestones for Elderton Wines

  • 1894 Vineyard planted on banks of North Para River, Scholz Family
  • 1979 Ashmead family purchased property and began vineyard restoration
  • 2000 World’s Best Shiraz Trophy, International Wine & Spirits Competition
  • 2005 Elderton named in Top 100 Wineries in the World, Wine & Spirits Magazine
  • 2015 Silver for Cellar Doors, South Australian Tourism Awards

As for that Lehmann tasting, we will try and see if we can reschedule it for 2017.

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Condolences, Dinner, Elderton Wines


The Cellar Club would like to express its deepest sympathies to Dennis Mann and his family on the passing of his wife Junette last weekend. I understand several of Dennis’ close club friends will be around to support Dennis, and we look forward to welcoming him back to tastings when he feels up to it.


condolences-dinner-elderton-wines577e19462ed7cGreat response for the dinner this month, clearly a good choice. I am sure we will all enjoy the event.


Please note the programme change for August. While we might be disappointed to miss Peter Lehmann at this time, I have it on good authority that Elderton produce some really fine wines and will be a very suitable replacement, after all it is the Barossa. (Having said that one of the very few wines I was unable to drink was produced in the Barossa Valley, but that’s another story)

Robin Semmens, Editor

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Second half of the year – Editor


2016-04-27-57212e0c27865We are coming into a great second half of the year for club members. With the line-up over the next few months including Foxes Island, dinner at Logan Brown, and then Peter Lehmann, Squawking Magpie and Jane Hunter. Phew.

Dinner & subs

There are a couple of attachments to this newsletter. There is a payment advice which includes the June meeting, the July dinner and, it’s that time of year again, subscriptions. Please print off the form and bring it to next week’s tasting. Alternatively, you can arrange payment direct to the Club bank account as set out on the form.

Dinner menu

Also attached is the menu for the July dinner. No point trying to resist it, just come along.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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From the Editor: Sept 2013

Message from the President

Anne has prepared new Membership Cards for the year and they are available for collection at monthly meetings. Unless there is a special need Anne will not be posting cards out.

When you arrive at meetings please remember to place your number into the membership draw. This will save time at the meeting by ensuring the draw does not include members who are not present. Thanks for your cooperation.

Public Address System

The club is seeking to acquire a portable loud speaker/sound system for use at meetings. We are unable to access existing facilities at the community centre. Have any of our members expertise in this area, we are looking for someone to assist in sourcing a suitable, and appropriately priced, system. Please let someone on the committee know if you can assist.

Peter Lehmann

Many of you will be familiar with Peter Lehmann and his wines. The Lehmann brand has been a leading Barossa winery for many years.

Your committee has noted that Peter passed away on 28 June 2013. He was born in Angaston in the Barossa Valley in 1930. His father was a Lutheran Pastor, Franz Julius Lehmann, and Peter may have joined his father in the ministry but for Franz’ sudden death in 1945, aged 55. Peter soon dropped out of school “ostensibly to be some support to my recently widowed mother,” he says. After working at the Yalumba winery then becoming Winemaker/Manager at Saltram Wines. He parted company with Saltram to become the Chairman of Peter Lehmann Wine. Peter Lehmann has been described as one of Australia’s most respected and innovative wine makers.

Sad to see some of the older “characters of the Australian wine industry go, but his son does take over the work.

Offers to Members

The question of putting offers and advertisements to our members for wine or other products has been discussed. Your committee is concerned that we cannot be seen as acting as agents for the selling of wine or other products as we do not carry a license to do so. We are however a wine appreciation club and like to be able to ensure our members can access deals if they arise.

We have therefore adopted the following policy; “If the club receives an request to offer wine specials for whatever purpose, the club will be happy to publicise the “deal” or offer, but not to sell. We will inform club members about the deal only on the website as a link or email. The link/email will be directly to the supplier so that any transaction is between the supplier and the member, not the Cellar Club Inc.”

Offers will need to have a close off date and will be removed from the site after that date.

Robin Semmens, Editor