Hawkes Ridge Wines, March 2021

Hawkes Ridge owner & winemaker Douglas Haynes with a small range of his wines.
Hawkes Ridge owner & winemaker Douglas Haynes with a small range of his wines.

Douglas Haynes with the assistance of Anne Boustead presented a well-received tasting last month and a great turnout. This was an exciting evening, with some very different expressions of wine varieties on hand to taste. Interestingly this vineyard also has its own brand of olive oil.
Hawkes Ridge Wine Estate is a family-owned, boutique winery located in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. The wines we tasted were:

  • Cest Beau Rose: The introductory wine. This was a non-vintage Viognier base
    with both Tempranillo and Semillon that was late harvested in the Moscato
  • Deux Blanco 218: A Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon 50/50 blend that was entirely
    barrel fermented where the grapes were picked early
  • Viognier 2020 was also completely barrel-fermented. Viognier is Douglas
    passion and this Viognier did not disappoint.
  • Rosado 2020 is a 100% Tempranillo rose being entirely stainless steel fermented and aged. This wine was one of the highlight wines of the evening.
  • Pinot Noir 2014 was a surprise wine from Hawkes Bay with an interesting
    back story. The wine was aged in French oak for 10 months and just bottled
    before Christmas 2020
  • Syrah 2014 had classic Syrah characteristics of dark berry fruits with coffee,
    chocolate and subtle spice
  • Grand Reserve Tempranillo 2015: This is Hawkes Ridge Winery’s premium
    wine. It was another highlight of the evening. The wine was only bottled in 2018 and should cellar well
  • Late Harvest Viognier 2016 is one of three late harvest/noble wines that Hawkes Ridge Winery produce. This wine was bottled in 2018 and although very rich, it was true to Viognier’s varietal characteristics.

Thank you to everyone who supported Hawk Ridge by ordering wines, as well as their olive oil which was on the order form, albeit not tasted. This meeting was great to start our tasting year.

Cangrande – Michele Marai – November 2016

cangrandeThe tastings of 2016 continued with Cangrande’s offering of Italian Festive Wines.  Michele presented with enthusiasm and was very knowledgeable and informative.  We had a very good turnout with 35 members and one guest.  The Italian themed supper was great with everyone mixing well. Thanks to the organisers.

The evenings offering included wines and beer along with some options for olive oil and balsamic vinegar which were available for the supper.  The tasting included a Verdicchio aperitif style for the quaffer, three sparkling wines, an Altaluna Belgian Ale, a Primitivo and a dessert style from Pantelleria, the Donnafugata – Passito di Pantelleria Ben Ryé. Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a couple of coffee bean options were also available for purchase.

p61109-202414Check out Cangrande – Italy’s finest for more details.