Newsletter, Save the Date, Dinner


Rest easy team, I am back. I would like to follow up on Wayne‘s message re the bit of disorganisation over the newsletter. Much has been happening in the last couple of months and Pat and I have spent six weeks in Sydney and are still getting back into a groove. Overseas visitors and other activities have further impacted. Please bear with us, things will come right in time. Some really excellent events coming up over the next year so there is much to look forward to.

Save the Date

This feature will continue over the next few months with the March event being the first of 3 special themed events your committee is planning in 2020 to celebrate our 40th anniversary. A full calendar of events will be sent out separately so you can update your diaries.


Please find attached the menu for the December Dinner. The second attachment is the payment advice for the November tasting. This includes a section allowing you to indicate preferences for the Dinner. The ability to let the restaurant know our requirements in advance is of benefit in keeping costs down.

See you there Wednesday,

Robin Semmens

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Missing coat, Regional Wines, Tasting deals, Saigon Van Grill

That missing coat

The issue of the missing coat remains unsolved. Can I ask those who attended the Dinner to check their wardrobes? Someone has mistakenly taken Mary Taylor’s coat and left their own. If you have the wrong coat please let me know and I will arrange a transfer.

Regional Wines newsletter

Members might be interested in the Regional Wines newsletter. This is really a low key weekly prompt about their tastings and specials, rather than a full-blown newsletter. Members who may be interested in some of the events that Regional run can go online to Regional’s website – the prompt comes out mid-week each week.

Tasting deals

A reminder to members that we are keen to attract new members. With this in mind, we have two membership deals. 1) If a member brings along a guest the member gets 50% of the door price. 2) if two guests come to the meeting then they pay one door price. Bring along friends etc who are interested in wine.

Report back from Saigon Van Grill

Many of you will have attended the Saigon Van Grill dinner last year. The servings were somewhat disappointing and there were complaints. Your committee has been in contact with the restaurant over a period of time resulting in an eventual small refund. Not enough to share around those attending so we used it to purchase the Prosecco for this year’s July dinner. Went down well we thought.

See you on Wednesday for yet another great tasting.

Robin Semmens

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General Information – Sept 2014

Drinking and Driving

Members will be aware of the proposed lowering of drink/drive limits.

We ask members to always be conscious of these limits and to take care when attending Club events.

Electronic Newsletter

Most members receive this newsletter electronically now, however if you are not doing so please send a quick email.

Members Draw

There is a members prize draw at each meeting, you must be present to win, and it must be won each meeting.


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From the Editor – Sept 2014


The more observant among you will have noticed that there is a change of format for the Newsletter. The reason for this is that we no longer see the point of providing the margin. We have decided to stop advertising discounts in the newsletter.

Discounts are a changing feast and we wonder if members generally seek the ones advertised. In any event many producers, and retail outlets, will provide a discount if you mention you are a member of the Club or even just ask for one.

Your committee suggests that whenever you are purchasing wines that you ask about discounts available. You will be surprised as to how often a discount will be offered. We may also include some information about prospective deals through the website, so keep an eye on that as well.

I am sure that Mark and Susan will continue to offer discounts to any members who visit them at Haythornthwaite.

Information about Club contacts and future events will be included in the body of the new format.


Anne will continue to collect screwcaps at meetings. She is collecting them to give to the Lions organised Kidney Kids Support Group. No food lids or beer tops please.

Robin Semmens, Editor


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Wrights Crush 2014

Wrights Vineyard and Winery – Crush 2014

The 2014 vintage started at Wrights on 1st February – quite possibly the first grapes in NZ to be harvested. With the increasing demand for low alcohol wines – we are producing a low alcohol pinot gris and pinot rose this vintage -we will keep you posted on the expected release date for these.

As always, we have a family focus, it is all hands on deck for the first pick of the season. At age 2, Luke is proving to be particularly dexterous with secateurs – nothing is safe! Occasionally, he even contributes to the harvest.

The crop is delivered straight into the sparkling new winery. We are excited to have Richard and Rick Alexander on the wine making team this vintage. The Wright boys are always on hand to complete the quality control team on the juice. Our new winery is now set up – well nearly- we have a few jobs yet to do, but here are some photo’s of the set up. It is exciting to move out of the shipping containers and move into something more permanent and waterproof!

Recently, we made the front page of the local rag. A great story about harvest to date – here is the link.

This vintage and with our new vineyard, we have done something thinking outside the square with our increased tonnage – we are producing an organic red and white grape juice through Chantal Organic Wholesalers – these drinks should be on the shelf this month!

With our new premise and revamped cellar door, we have been run off our feet at our cellar door. Fantastic to see our regulars and coverts alike. Our cellar door is now open from Fri – Sun 11am-4pm. Live music every Saturday from 1.30pm. Pop in and enjoy some lovely food, wine and a fantastic relaxing environment – you might even get to taste some fresh juice from the winery!

Welcome to the newsletters newbies. We like to give our supporters a great deal, not available anywhere else. As always we would like to offer you a great deal. This month (until 14 February) you have the opportunity to purchase online 3 bottles of our wine for $60 (excludes reserves). This is the same great deal we offer to our wine club members (includes reserves) every month. If you like it, then join up to become a wine club member. The three bottle deal includes Wrights Chardonnay 2013, Wrights Gewurztraminer 2012, The Natural Wine Co Merlot 2012. Here is the link for this deal.



Geoff, Nicola, Noah, Elijah & Luke Wright