Committee Musings ‘Nov 23

Monthly Meeting Timing

We have had a number of enquiries from club members over time regarding the time we start the monthly evenings. Due to the presenters who come to our monthly meetings working in the city during the day before they get to us, we have to allow them time to refresh and have dinner. Also, the committee members that set up for the evening may also work, and must have their dinner and refresh before getting to the hall for the set-up. These people’s full lives do not give any lee-way for the meetings to be able to start earlier.

New Members/Visitors

Please, if you see visitors on their own or new members enter the centre for one of our tastings, invite them to join your table. Getting to know new members and making new friends is part of the purpose of our club, and they may need to be shown where our club’s glasses are and have an explanation of our sheet that is supplied to members for writing down their comments on the wines of the month. Thanks.

January BBQ

Your committee has decided not to hold a BBQ to start off 2024. Derek has sold his home and will shortly be moving slightly north to Summerset on the Landing. Congratulations Derek, we look forward to still seeing you at your club’s monthly tastings.

Your committee is interested in new ways that we might start our year’s events going forward and would welcome your suggestions on how we might do this.

We have already considered holding a spit roast but the cost implications to members wasn’t something we wanted to impose without first canvassing input in a wider forum like the AGM.

Cellar Master

With Derek’s home no longer available, the intention is to move the cellar to Wayne’s home which already has some of the cellar wines. A special thanks to Derek for having performed this task throughout the life of the Club.

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Committee Musings, July 23

Subscription reminder

Please ensure your subscription of $25, due on 1st July, is paid soon. Remember, we don’t send out an invoice. Thanks.

Special General Meeting

At the August Monthly Meeting, for the first 10 minutes, we will hold an SGM to discuss and pass some small changes to the Club’s Constitution. These changes will be circulated shortly and are an update to the wording as it is at present.


We hope everyone appreciates the new heating in the hall.

Support appreciated

It was great to have everyone help with the tables and chairs at the start of last month’s meeting and take the same down after the meeting. Also, taking the table’s contents: spittoons/water jugs/cracker plates back to the kitchen. Could we please continue this new routine?


Please note, we can’t arrive to do the setting up activities any earlier than 7:30 pm as we interrupt the cleaner(s) schedule, as they are often in the hall until 7:30 pm.

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Committee Musings, Nov 2022

This year your Committee have fronted more than a few of the monthly Club meetings. This has been with a view to not cancelling the monthly meetings when vineyards have had to cancel, sometimes at the last moment!

The variety, information, wine variation and conversations these meetings have generated have been heartening to the various Committee members who have banded together to put these on.

However, the Committee would like to let you know that these are not what we view as the norm, and we hope that 2023 will see less cancelling, better health for everyone, and many more presentations from vineyards and their winemakers.

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Wine lovers invited to join Johnsonville’s cellar club

20160309_200542Independent Herald, 3 August 2016

Johnsonville’s Cellar Club is looking to extend its membership to those who are interested in wine. Club President Murray Jaspers said the Club, which was established in 1980, was not designed for “wine snobs”. Its objective is to allow members to learn about wines and wineries from people who work with and breathe wine – the winery owners, the winemakers or other winery representatives.

The club already has about 60 members but is looking to increase that number and invited locals to join one of the Club’s monthly meetings to find out what it was all about. At the monthly meeting in October the presenter will be Jane Hunter of Hunter Wines in Marlborough. Jane has a big international reputation so her presentation will, no doubt, be of immense interest, Cellar Club committee member Richard Taylor said.

“The monthly meetings are relaxed and friendly with plenty of opportunity to mix and mingle with other members.”  The gatherings are held on the second Wednesday of each month in the Johnsonville Community Centre with a 7.45pm start time. “There are also other social events staged during the year such as dinners, a barbeque and some tastings from the Club’s cellar,” Richard said. He said those who were interested should head along to the next meeting on August 10.

The annual membership cost is $25 per year with a door charge of between $12 and $16 to cover the cost of the wines that are on taste that night, room hire and supper. Offsetting this, Richard said, there are sometimes opportunities to purchase the presenters’ wines at discounted prices.

More information can be gathered from the Club’s website or by phoning Murray Jaspers on 479 3191 or Anne Meggat (Vice President and Membership) 478 8573.

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From the Editor: Nov 2013

November, December and May 2014 Meetings

I would like to thank you all for responding to my request for numbers for the next two meetings. They will both be well attended. There has been no objection to holding the AGM early and have a presentation after the meeting so we are proceeding on that basis.


Please note that despite the high quality of the wines we will be tasting, we have kept the door price down. This is largely possible because of Mac’s generosity in heavily subsidising the tasting wines. There are of course additional costs, eg hall charges and food etc and we have to recover these.

We would ask members to carefully consider making purchases to help make it worth Mac’s while, we are sure the wines will be offered at great prices and will enhance your festive supplies with Christmas coming on so quickly.


I attach a payment advice that covers both the November and December costs. It also provides a space to indicate your preferences in December. Please complete and return to Wayne by the stipulated date.

Robin Semmens, Editor

From the Editor: Oct 2013

November December and May 2014 Meetings

You will note from the email that accompanies this newsletter that I am seeking a response from members on three upcoming events.

As always we would appreciate some indication from members if they intend to come (and to bring guests) to the Festive Wines presentation in November. This is always a well-supported event and your committee does some catering for the event. To assist us in this it is useful to have an idea of likely numbers.

It also assists planning for dinners if we have an idea of numbers attending the December dinner. An indication of likely attendance would be helpful.

Finally you will be aware that May is our AGM month with the usual format being to hold the meeting then have a supper accompanied by a selection of wines from the Club Cellar. We are negotiating a presentation with Wooing Tree from Central Otago, and their preference is for a May date as they will already be in Wellington around that time. Would members have any objection if we changed the format a little, holding the AGM a little earlier, say 7.30 pm then went on to the Wooing Tree presentation?


Some of the parking around the Johnsonville Pool is currently closed because of building and extension work being carried out on the Pool complex. Members may have to be prepared to look a little further for a parking spot this month. The situation is likely to be fluid for some time.


Robin Semmens, Editor