Another great year

As I sit to prepare this newsletter Celine Dion is singing “Another year has gone by” in the background. Surely not, I say, but it is so. Where has it gone?
We can start by reviewing our year. We began with our summer BBQ at the end of January. The usual excellent occasion and thanks to Derek for continuing to make his premises available. February saw us heading on a “Summer Romance – a love affair with Wine” where some of your committee members presented their favourite summer wines. In March Mark and Susan Haythornthwaite presented some of their “Haythornthwaite” wines and told us of the success they have had adding platters to the tasting experience at their premises.

Unison Wines

In April Simon Bell from MacVine took us on a tour of Europe embracing France, Italy and Germany. May was the usual AGM then in June Unison Vineyards from the Gimblett Gravels in Hawkes Bay presented some lovely wines. July was something of a disappointment when we went to Saigon Van Grill Bar. The meal was lacking, particularly in quantity, and subsequent efforts to redress the problem have been futile. Never mind, we were back on track in August with a great tasting from Clearview.

September saw a continuation with European wines when Maison Vauron gave us a taste of French wine with some cheese matches. Then who could forget Negociants presentation from that iconic Barossa winery, Yalumba.

The tastings for the year finished with a return to Europe, this time Portugal with Confidant Wines, and some great wine with food matches. All this travel and we haven’t had to leave home.

As I finish this Celine has moved on to “Holy Night” and is singing about a night divine. I can’t quite work out if she means Christmas Eve or the December Dinner at Juniper. You be the judge.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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A tour of Europe through wines – Macvine International – April 2018

A ghastly night weather wise and a long list of apologies through autumn ailments meant that the turnout for this tasting was a little lower than we had hoped for. Despite that, those who braved the conditions enjoyed an excellent presentation and some great wines. Simon Bell and Craig O’Donnell from Macvine International presented for this tour around Europe. The tasting was a little different from the usual but was done with great style and enthusiasm. The wines presented were not necessarily well-known wines from Italy, France, Spain, and Germany. Simon and Craig enjoyed the evening and expressed a keenness to return in the future.

The tour included the following wines:

Andre Delorme Methode BDB (France)
Pazo Cilleiro Albarino (Spain)
Bernard Defaix 2015 Cote de Lechet Chablis (France)
Cantina Terlan Lagrein (Italy)
Dourthe No 1 Rouge (France)
Alpha Zeta “V” Valpolicella Ripaso Superiore (Italy)
1994 Burgermeister Lauer Drohner Hofberger Riesling (Germany)

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Macvine International – Nov 2015

An interesting evening hosted by Michael Jemison, Macvine International. Michael displayed a good style while giving a good level of information during the presentation. However, the turnout at 32 was a little disappointing. Some great discounts offered for those who purchased.

The wines offered included; Ca Di Rajo 2013 Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene DOCG Millesimato Extra Dry; Yerring Station Yarrabank Cuvee 2010; Andre Delorme Terroir d’Exception Blanc de blanc NV; Kerpen 2013 Riesling Kabinett; Dumangin Brut le Rose Premium Cru NV; Dumangin Premier Cru Vintage Champagne 2003, and all rounded off with a Clark Estate Noble Pinot Gris 2011.

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2015 in review

Usually, I find this a time to reflect on what the year has offered. Following on from the regular BBQ in January we started off with a few hiccups in our arrangements. Nevertheless, tastings began on a high note in February with Ash Ridge from Hawkes Bay. March saw another late change, but an enjoyable evening was possible with club members presenting wines from our cellar. April allowed Ohau Wines to introduce us to some interesting local wines while May was, of course, our AGM.

Things really got rolling in June with Taylor Brown, who are the NZ agents for Brown Bros and Taylors from Australia. They presented mainly Taylors as we had quite recently shared an evening with Brown Bros. July took us to Bistro 52, WelTec’s training restaurant for our mid-year dinner while August showed the enjoyable wines of the well-established Wairarapa winery, Gladstone. September was a highlight with the iconic Hawkes Bay producer Craggy Range, followed in October with Man O’ War from Waiheke Island. The tasting year finished with festive wines presented by Macvine International.

Your committee are pleased with the programme and hope everyone found something to enjoy.

Only the dinner to go to complete a very successful year. We have had some great tastings in enjoyable company. Unlike Susan Devoy, I am happy to offer my best wishes for the Christmas season.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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Discounts, dinner, payments & pourers


Great discounts on premium wines

Good grief, less than two months to Christmas, but a couple of great events to round off our 2015 calendar. The Festive wines tasting looks impressive and as mentioned above look for some great discounts on some premium wines. As an example, they will be offering a $45 discount on the Dumangin Vintage 2003.

1841 Bar & Restaurant

1841The December dinner at 1841 Bar & Restaurant should also be fun. It’s great that we can do BYO in a pub environment. We will be away from the general patrons and the menu looks just fine, so don’t be put off, we are going to enjoy ourselves, as we usually do.

Nov bubbles and Dec dinner

We’re getting ready for a busy season with Nov bubbles and Dec dinner.

To show your support, please complete the payment advice form and either pay online or bring the form and payment with you when you come to the November tasting.

This allows us to get a guide on numbers for the dinner. As mentioned on the form, please complete and bring it with you in November. If you can’t attend please send to Wayne as outlined.

20141112_204626Make it easier for pourers

NB, Last month it was suggested that it might be helpful at tastings if people could send their glasses to the centre end of the table to make it easier for pourers. We had some success with this last month and will persist. Please make every effort to make things easier for the pourers.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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Festive Wines – Nov 2015 – Looking Forward

2015-06-17-5580e272d2fbcThis year our festive wines presenter will be Andrew Yates, the Wellington Sales and Marketing Executive for Macvine International Ltd.

Macvine are boutique wine importers and distributors. The company was established in 1999, and they import and distribute top quality, specialist wine from New Zealand and around the world. They also import and distribute Spiegelau Glassware – one of the world’s top specialist producers of glassware designed for wine lovers.
Wines for the event will include offerings from Australia, Germany, Italy, France and New Zealand. More information in next month’s newsletter.macvine2

From the Editor: Dec 2013

2013 – what a great year we have had.

Following on from the regular BBQ in January we had the Mission Estate in February, a fantastic start to the tasting year.

March saw Lansdowne and Bijou with a look at developing producers in the northern part of Masterton.

April covered Easter Gold medal wines presented by committee members, while the AGM was in May, allowing members to enjoy a selection from the club cellar, after the formalities.

June saw the trivia evening and July the mid-year dinner at La Cloche.

August re-acquainted club members with Peter Robinson from Brookfields, while September was an aromatics evening with MacVine.

We followed this with a great Grant Burge evening in October and Advintage last month with Festive wines.

Dinner this month at Cuba Street Bistro will see off the year nicely.

2014 is looking settled already and we hope members will enjoy the calendar of tastings we are preparing. Compliments of the season to all.

Robin Semmens, Editor

Glancing Back: Sept 2013, MacVine, Aromatics

2015-06-17-5580e272d2fbcAn awful night weather wise which was something of a shame as the attendance was not as good as your committee had hoped. Despite this it was an interesting night with some really good wines, much enjoyed by those who attended. David Hughes was an informative and interesting presenter and he thoroughly enjoyed the evening despite the low attendance.

As intended, the evening concentrated on aromatics including:

  • 2011 Clark Estate Sauvignon Blanc
  • 2012 Forrest Chenin Blanc
  • 2011 Alpha Zeta Pinot Grigio
  • 2012 Forrest Pinot Gris
  • 2012 West Brook Gewurztraminer
  • 2011 Kerpen Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Kabinett
  • 2011 Clark Estate Noble Pinot Gris

MacVine tasting notes & order form

2015-06-17-5580e272d2fbcHi everyone, as you know Wednesday the 11th September was a horrible night weather wise.

However, those of us who braved the elements and attended the meeting were treated to some great white aromatics. In view of the low turnout, we offered to send out the Macvine tasting notes and order form to all members so you would have an opportunity to purchase the wines presented.

If you wish to order them, then you need to complete the last page and get it to David at before the close-of business this week.


Wayne Kennedy

Aromatic Evening with Macvine

Date: Wednesday 11 September, 2013

Charge: Members $12 Guests $16

2015-06-17-5580e272d2fbcMacvine International Ltd is a boutique wine and specialty glassware Importer and wholesale distribution company. Macvine Internationals wine brands are all privately owned such as New Zealand’s own; 12,000 Miles – Wairarapa, Kennedy Point- Waiheke, Bridge Pa – Hawkes Bay, Argentina: Auka – Mendoza, France: Barron de Selliac – Provance to name a few.

Macvine International Ltd imports Spiegelau (German Glassware) which is beautifully designed and resoundingly durable. Spiegelau has a beautiful range of fine stemware and tableware for everyday use. Check out results from the 2013 Spiegelau International Wine Competition.

The evening tasted concentrated on aromatics and included the following offerings:

  • Clark Estate Sauvignon Blanc
  • Alpha Zeta Pinot Grigio
  • Forrest Pinot Gris
  • Westbrook Gewurztraminer
  • Kerrpen Kabinett Riesling
  • surprise wine ( Possibly a sticky !)

Recent posts:

Event Information

2013 Spiegelau International Wine Competition

Looking Forward: Aug 2013

September 2013 – An Evening of Aromatics

2015-06-17-5580e272d2fbcEstablished in 1999, Macvine International is an importer and distributor of top quality, specialist wine from New Zealand and around the world. They also import and distribute Spiegelau Glassware – one of the world’s top specialist producers of glassware designed for wine lovers. They include Bridge Pa, Forrest (including the John Forrest Collection and Newton Forrest), Clark Estate, Gladstone, and others among their New Zealand clients.

David Hughes will represent Macvine for an evening that will concentrate on aromatics. More next newsletter.