Glancing Back – October 2014 – Villa Maria

villamariaThis meeting was excellent with Jonathan (Jono) Hamlet being an interesting and enthusiastic speaker concentrating on the organic viticulture rather than the wine. It was a very informative balanced presentation, leading to a good level of orders. A good follow up with the newspaper item included in the newsletter.

To recap, the wines presented included; a Gerwurtz quaffer, then two wines from the Private Bin range, two Cellar Selections and two single vineyard wines, all organic offerings. In order to show some more ‘interesting’ varieties, Jono arranged for some barrel samples of wines produced from grapes from their organic vineyards ie Chenin Blanc.

A good tasting, could be interesting to follow up at a later date to follow the development of organic wines.

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From the Editor – Nov 2014

Comment re “In the News”

Interesting that only a week after Jono Hamlet spoke at our October meeting the item included on this site ‘In the News – Oct 2014‘ appeared in the Dominion Post. Clearly organic production is getting increasing attention. See Organic Vineyards & Wineries.

December Dinner

strawberry-fareLooking forward our December dinner at Strawberry Fare, and a great price has been negotiated.

Download the payment advice form for the November and December events. Either pay online or bring the form with you when you come to the November tasting.

We are anticipating the usual strong support for these events.


Robin Semmens, Editor

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