Brush up on your wine knowledge – April 2021

Pause for a moment and ask yourself.

What region grew the most wine in NZ last year, 2020?

Pat yourself on the back if you said Marlborough. But do you know what per cent of the total 2020 NZ harvest their 343,036 tonnes represent?

What about the next regions? I was amazed just how weighted the top 3 regions were of the total harvest.

Thanks to for the infographic.

2020 Grape tonnage by region
2020 Grape tonnage by region

See more of the 2020 NZ vintage statistics.

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Vintage 2020 New Zealand statistics

After each vintage season, New Zealand Winegrowers surveys members and compiles vintage data snapshots for the industry.

NZ Wine Vintage Indicators by Region 2020

The total volume of grapes harvested and tonnage by wine region in 2020

NZ Wine Vintage Indicators by Variety 2020

The total volume of grapes harvested and percentage change on last year by key wine varieties.

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