The Crater Rim, Waipara – Lyn Timms – Apr 2020

From the Ashes Range
Premium Range
Icon Range

The first vintage produced by The Crater Rim was from a small hillside vineyard, high above the town of Akaroa on the Banks Peninsula – and so the brand ‘The Crater Rim’ was born.

The Banks Peninsula has a far-reaching effect on the climate of the whole Canterbury province, and so we have carried The Crater Rim brand to encompass all the wines we produce from the Canterbury sub-regions of Waipara, Omihi and Banks Peninsula and from Central Otago.

The winery produces in three ranges:

This is going to maintain the high standard of tastings for 2020.  Don’t miss it.

Lyn is a Sales Rep who works independently and has represented The Crater Rim for just over 3 years. She says “They are a wonderful family and team to work with and I have grown their brand extensively in the Top of the South Island and the Lower North Island.  My background is in retail, sales and marketing and I thoroughly enjoy my job (and their wine!)”