Condolences, Dinner, Elderton Wines


The Cellar Club would like to express its deepest sympathies to Dennis Mann and his family on the passing of his wife Junette last weekend. I understand several of Dennis’ close club friends will be around to support Dennis, and we look forward to welcoming him back to tastings when he feels up to it.


condolences-dinner-elderton-wines577e19462ed7cGreat response for the dinner this month, clearly a good choice. I am sure we will all enjoy the event.


Please note the programme change for August. While we might be disappointed to miss Peter Lehmann at this time, I have it on good authority that Elderton produce some really fine wines and will be a very suitable replacement, after all it is the Barossa. (Having said that one of the very few wines I was unable to drink was produced in the Barossa Valley, but that’s another story)

Robin Semmens, Editor

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