Pegasus Bay, Waipara – April 2016

PegasusBay1Presenter: Ed Donaldson

“If a wine critic was not passionate about any of Pegasus Bay’s wine they should seriously consider a change in career” – NZ Wine Country

The family

The Donaldson family have been seriously involved in wine since the early 1970’s and were pioneers of local grape growing and wine making.

A unique vineyard

2015-12-21-5677693393d74Pegasus Bay vineyard gets maximum protection from the Pacific’s easterly breezes by being tucked up under the lee of the Teviotdale Range. Heat summation and free draining soil produce low yields of optimally ripened, high quality, flavourful grapes, which fully express the qualities of this unique setting.

Special viticultural region

Its sheltered position, but proximity to the sea, give it warm days, cool nights and a dry autumn, resulting in a very prolonged ripening period promoting intense flavour development and optimal ripeness while retaining good natural acidity.

A great range of wines from a well-established producer. You will be unwise if you miss this. Check back later in March for further details.

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