Looking Back – April 2015 – Chris Morgan, Ohau Wines

This tasting was very good with a lot of members attending to find out about our “local” winery.

There was some feedback that the meeting went on a bit too long. Your committee have agreed that we should remind presenters that the meeting should finish about 9:30 pm with a 10-minute break at half time. The pourers will keep an eye on meeting flow, to keep the meeting moving while being flexible at the same time. Despite this criticism, it was an enjoyable evening, and interesting to9 hear about the development of a new wine region close to Wellington.

The wines tasted were:

Woven Stone Sauvignon Blanc 2014; Ohau Gravels Sauvignon Blanc 2012; Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2011; Woven Stone Rose 2014; Woven Stone Pinot Gris 2014; Ohau Gravels Pinot Gris 2014; Single Vineyard Pinot Gris 2011; Woven Stone Pinot Noir 2014.

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