From the Editor: Nov 2013

November, December and May 2014 Meetings

I would like to thank you all for responding to my request for numbers for the next two meetings. They will both be well attended. There has been no objection to holding the AGM early and have a presentation after the meeting so we are proceeding on that basis.


Please note that despite the high quality of the wines we will be tasting, we have kept the door price down. This is largely possible because of Mac’s generosity in heavily subsidising the tasting wines. There are of course additional costs, eg hall charges and food etc and we have to recover these.

We would ask members to carefully consider making purchases to help make it worth Mac’s while, we are sure the wines will be offered at great prices and will enhance your festive supplies with Christmas coming on so quickly.


I attach a payment advice that covers both the November and December costs. It also provides a space to indicate your preferences in December. Please complete and return to Wayne by the stipulated date.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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