From the Editor

The rest of the year

I mentioned in the last newsletter that 2013 is pretty much “in the bag” as far as our calendar is concerned, and suggested members look at the line up in “Glancing forward to future events”. I can report a “not only but also” in that the programme for 2014 is now well underway with a great mix being planned for next year. Your club has had considerable interest from wineries, both established and boutique, wanting to present their wines and this is looking like a marvellous 2014 for the Cellar Club.

Editorial Privilege

Often editorials are opportunities for opinion pieces for publications, or for the editors themselves. My option this month is to extend the quiz mantra.

  • Despite my hassling members to join in the enjoyment of the July Dinner at La Cloche, I will not be there. Instead I will be doing an Aaron Gilmore on the night, where will I be?
  • As an ex public servant with some 49 years of service where might I have been found on the Wednesday before the July dinner?
  • In case people think I am single minded “and his name was …………., and he drove the fastest milk cart in the west. What was his name?
  • Which producer presented in June last year, and plays classical music to the vines? (I wonder what Rap would do for them)

I have a chiller sleeve for the first person who gives me the correct answers.

Robin Semmens, Editor

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