Have you heard: Dec 2012

A pirate captain met an old colleague who used to be his first mate. “Good grief” said the mate, “are you well? “Of course” said the pirate, “never better.”

“Are you sure?” said the mate. “What about the wooden peg leg?” “Ah, well we were involved in a battle with a Government vessel when a cannon ball took my leg off. But, it’s fine now.” “OK” said the mate “but you didn’t have a steel hook last time we met” “True” said the pirate “on another occasion we had boarded a vessel carrying many treasures. I was
fighting with the master with swords when he got in a lucky blow and sliced my hand off. But, it’s OK now.”

The mate was unconvinced. “Well, what about the patch over your eye?” “We were in port, it was beautiful day, I looked up at the clear azure sky, a seagull flew overhead and dropped one that landed smack into my eye.” “Come on now” said the mate “I can’t believe that a bird dropping in your eye caused the loss of the eye.” “No” said the pirate “but it was the first day that I had the hook.”