Wanted – Wine consumers

My name is Courtney Tate and I am a marketing Honours student at Victoria University.

As part of my degree we are required to conduct our own research for a dissertation.

For my research I have chose to focus on the New Zealand wine industry and the importance of region of origin across various wine types.

I am from Wanaka, Central Otago, so naturally the wine industry is of great interest to me and I am aware of the growing need for more information on wine consumers. Ultimately I aim to better understand which wine varietals do region of origin matter more, and to whom.

For this research I have created an online survey for which I need a sample of wine consumers. As a wine organisation, you possess ideal participants for this research. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you could offer by completing my survey voluntary and completely anonymous survey.

In return, I offer a detailed summary of my findings that could potentially highlight issues/trends, behaviour patterns and perceptions.

As New Zealand wine industry is young yet rapidly growing, any information on its consumers would be highly valuable in such a fragmented and competitive market.

If you wish to participate please go to my survey.


Complete the survey and go in a draw to win one of six $50 vouchers to a specialty wine store.


Survey closed