Charity, AGM, Mid-Year Dinner – From the Editor, April 2012

Our President, Anne is collecting screw cap tops for charitable purposes. She would very much appreciate members saving caps and bringing them along to meetings – there will be a reminder in the regular items column.

The AGM is coming up next month. See below under “Looking Forward” for detail.

Mid-Year Dinner – While we are aware that some members are unhappy to come to dinners outside the Wellington CBD. During the March tasting we canvassed interest among members with regard to going out Petone way again this year. The idea had wide support. As a consequence Anne is currently in negotiation with the Weltec Catering School to see what they can offer for the July dinner. If negotiations are successful the dinner may be held on the 3rd Wednesday of July.

There is some concern within the committee that door pricing for monthly meetings might reflect in attendances i.e. that if the door price is low, the quality of the wines might be similar. We would just like to point out that the door price is not necessarily set on the basis of wine cost. The Club is fortunate in that a number of presenters are very generous when it comes to charging us for wines consumed. This allows us to benefit members in a number of ways, for example by subsidising door prices or by providing extras like cheese and crackers, bread and pate and other items that might complement the wines being tasted.


Robin Semmens, Editor

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