From the Editor – Sept 2011

I should begin by apologising for this newsletter yet again arriving in your mail and email boxes late. I wish I could blame the Auckland rail system or the printing presses for the delay but alas, there just seems to be too much going on resulting in too many distractions. Time to replace yours truly.

So it is with some relief I welcome back Robin to take over his role as editor. Whilst I did enjoy the experience of putting these last two
newsletter s together, I shall equally enjoy returning to just my bean counting. And talking of returning editors, the club welcomes back a previous editor, Terry, and partner Caroline from Darwin. I am sure we all look forward to hearing about their various wine experiences albeit a little birdie tells me that cold beers might have replaced the wines on a lot of occasions in those warmer climes.

You will also be pleased to learn that no sooner had I told you about the cancellation of October’s tasting than a replacement was arranged in keeping with all he RWC festivities that have engulfed our nation. More about that in the next item.

Wayne Kennedy, Acting Editor

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